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  • When the holiday is a day of the Constitution. Constitution Day: When notes, is a weekend, history, congratulations. When the day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is celebrated

When the holiday is a day of the Constitution. Constitution Day: When notes, is a weekend, history, congratulations. When the day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is celebrated

In schools and libraries will be held activities on the topic "Constitution Day Russian Federation”.

Many ask a question: the day of the Constitution will be a weekend or work day? If December 12 does not fall on Saturday or Sunday, this is a working day, I don't even dream about the weekend.

As Medvedev said, we will rest on the light, and now it is necessary to increase productivity. Why - look at brief history memorable date.

Below are the history of the holiday, the history of constitutional reforms in Russia (may be useful for the report, abstract, essay), scenarios of events that can be used for classroom watches, conversations, extracurricular activities, thematic lessons, quizzes and presentation "Day of the Constitution of Russia".

On December 12, 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted on the referendum (nationwide voting). In 1994, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation ("On the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" and "On the non-working day December 12"), the day was proclaimed by a public holiday.

Yeltsin, like Stalin, even at night I thought about the good of the people and expected that the new constitution (according to the type Stalinist) in the people would be nicknamed Yeltsin.

But on December 24, 2004, the State Duma took amendments to Labor Codewho changed the festive calendar of Russia. Since 2005, the Constitution Day is no longer a festive and weekend day, according to the status is equal to memorable dates (and everyone forgot about Yeltsin).

Class hour script: "Constitution Day of the Russian Federation"

On the history of constitutional reforms in Russia.

Slide 1. Good afternoon, dear guys! We are glad to see you again in the walls of our library. Slide 2. The theme of today classroom hour It sounds like this: "I am a citizen of Russia." This year, December 12, Russia will celebrate the next anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Slide 3. In the poem of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov "Poet and citizen" there are such lines: "You can not be a poet, but a citizen must be."

In the 20th century, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova, in his "Requiem," says: "I was then with my people where my people were unfortunately."
Her recognition directly goes back to Nekrasovsky: "I dedicated to the Liru to the people."

It is impossible to live in Russia and be indifferent to her fate, because it is impossible to be indifferent to his own destiny. This is a civilian feeling, and perhaps in Russia is the strongest feeling. Stronger fear, stronger than glory, stronger than love. The feeling and all of these emotions N. A. Nekrasov, the first ingeniously expressed in Russian poetry.

Slide 4 The title "Citizen" has always been associated with the presence of a certain circle of rights and obligations, and the rights and obligations are inextricably interrelated.

The basic requirements of the state to their citizens are contained in the laws, since these laws were developed by the democratic way: the people elected deputies of the legislative bodies, and they, given the will of voters, established legal norms, including in the form of the requirements of society to a citizen.

So accepted in many countries of the world. This is recorded in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Slide 5 International Legal Document Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was established in 1948. This document was the answer to the international community on the horrors of the Second World War and was aimed at helping the restoration of the manifold the totalitarian regimes of human rights and freedoms, to protect the dignity of the personality, help establish friendly relations between nations, strengthen the universal peace and security.

In Article 29 of the Universal Declaration of Personal Statement:

  • 1. Each person has duties over a society in which only perhaps the free and complete development of his personality.
  • 2. In carrying out their rights and freedoms, each person must be subjected to only such restrictions that are established by law solely in order to ensure due recognition and respect for the rights and freedoms of others and satisfying the fair requirements of morality, public order and general well-being in a democratic society.

What duties lie on the citizen of our country?
First of all, he must comply with the Constitution, which recorded the duties of a citizen of the country.

Slide 6 December 12, we celebrate the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. This is not only a political and legal, but also an ideological document.

Our constitution has enough high level democratic principles on which our public and political system: This is the rule of law; recognition and guarantees of human rights and citizen; political, ideological and economic pluralism; consolidation of democratic forms - separation of authorities, universal election law; involvement of our state in the world community; Recognition of primacy of international law.

Slide 7 The Constitution comes from the Latin word - "Installation", "Device". The Constitution is the main law of the state that determines state device, regulates the formation of representative (legislative), executive and judiciary, establishes selective system, fixes the rights and freedoms of citizens, the symbols of the state.

Often the provisions of the Constitution have a direct action, i.e. Do not require indispensable "decryption", concretization in relevant legal acts.
The role of the constitution as legal document Very great.

She is the basis of the country's legislation, endowed with the highest legal force. All other state laws are accepted in accurately in accordance with its provisions.

Violations constitutional provisions are very serious offenses. The questions of the compliance of certain actions, the legal acts of the Constitution of the Russian Federation considers the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.

The Constitution is one of the most important foundations of democracy. The very appearance of its appearance at the end of the XVIII century became the consequence of the elimination of monarchical absolutism.

In the future, including in our time, the main role of the Constitution was and remains a consistent approval of the democratic device of the state. This is its essence and the main goal.

Slide 8 In this regard, science indicates two main tasks of the modern constitution: 1. Ensure such a device of power, when it is limited to the right (the right above power); 2. Secure the inalienable human rights.

Slide 9 Transformation Plan proposed russian minister Internal affairs M. T. Loris-Melikov in 1881, was called contemporaries "First Constitution".

He represented as if the final chapter of Alexander II reforms. Unlimited powers provided by Mikhail Tarielovich, allowed him to thoroughly think over all the necessary transformations in order to imagine the emperor a clear program of action.

The main desire of M. T. Loris-Melikova was if not complete elimination, then a significant limitation of the actions of the radical-revolutionary forces.

He understood that rampant terrorism aimed against the authorities threatened the results of great reforms. In the draft addition of state reforms, M. T. Loris-Melikov tried to largely modernize the struggle against the revolution itself.

In addition to reforms in the police and in the medium public relationsM. T. Loris Melikov sought some democratization of the management system. He proposed to expand the competence of earthly representative offices and organs so that they could solve some issues of judicial, financial and supervisory nature. The minister sought to reduce the level of corruption and obtain reliable information about the problems in the country.

One of the most brilliant ideas of Mikhail Tarielovich in the framework of the Constitution was a plan on the uniform distribution of the tax burden, and some of the fees from the lower classes he offered to shift to the higher.

But, unfortunately, he was able to cancel excise taxes on the salt, the rest of the events were postponed in every way and delayed the Senate. On the day of the final consideration of the project M. T. Loris-Melikova, the emperor was killed. The new monarch was not interested in Democratization, and therefore the conversion could not be realized so necessary.

They began to implement only the grandson Alexander II, Nicholas II. By that time, the reforms could no longer save the country and the monarchy from the revolutionary collapse.

Slide 10 in the preamble of the Constitution of Russia is stated by the following

"We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, connected by a common fate on their land, arguing human rights and freedoms, civil peace and consent, while maintaining historically established state unity, based on the generally accepted principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, the memory of the ancestors who transmitted us love and respect To the Fatherland, faith in good and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and claiming the inviolability of its democratic basis, seeking to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia, based on the responsibility for its homeland before the current and future generations, conscious of themselves as part of the world community, we accept the Constitution of the Russian Federation " .

In the XIX century in Russia, attitudes towards the Constitution was complex, ambiguous, contradictory. The simple people did not have absolutely no idea about this kind of legal acts. The small layer of the educated population was divided into supporters of the Constitutional Management Board and his opponents.

Supporters ("Westerners", "Liberals") argued that without the Constitution, Russia was doomed to a comprehensive lag from developed countries.

Opponents (fuels, "Slavophiles") were against the adoption of the Constitution, because it was believed that any constitution in any country is a destabilizing situation in the state document (since he unleashes the hands of the numerous opposition to the regime), and in the conditions of the monarchy, the need for it is zero, For the "deceo" rule of the king - the autocrat is the most progressive and effective way to manage a huge country with heterogeneous on national and social signs population.

Even the Lion Tolstoy, a lot of harm to the monarchical authorities, wrote that it was the same nonsense to change the monarchy to the Constitution, as if they were offered, instead of Orthodoxy, pashkovia or clopping (that is, small ridiculous sects).

Slide 11 mains state laws In Russia, they were adopted on October 17, 1905 with the proclamation of Manifesta.
The population was promised "the unshakable fundamentals of civil liberties on the basis of the actual immunity of the individual."

The people received the right to take an effective participation in the management of the state through the State Duma (representative and legislative power). Manifesto on October 17 was part of the main state laws that were adopted soon and began to play the role of an unwritten constitution.

Slide 12 After the revolution in Russia, the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918 was adopted. It was the constitution of class struggle, civil war.

Slide 13 was then adopted by the USSR Constitution in 1924. She secured the creation of the USSR on the grounds that in the early 1990s led to decay Soviet Union.

Slide 14 After a year, the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1925 as part of the USSR was adopted.

Slide 15 Then the Constitution of the USSR of 1936 (the so-called "Stalinist"). It was the Constitution of the "Were Socialism".

Slide 16 In 1937, the Constitution of the RSFSR was followed by the Republican version of the USSR Constitution.

Slide 17 And then the Constitution of the USSR was 1977 - "Manifesto developed Socialism."

Slide 18 Constitution of the RSFSR 1978 - the republican version of the Union "Manifesta".

Slide 19 After the collapse of "Developed Socialism" in December 1993, as a result of the referendum, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted, which consolidated the foundations of the constitutional system in the conditions of a market economy, building a legal democratic state.

The Soviet stage of the constitutional development of Russia is characteristic of Russia as: the embodiment of the ideas of the class struggle; Construction of socialism; ideologicalness; politicization; lack of control over the implementation of constitutional norms, etc.

The Constitution of the RSFSR remained in many ways the Constitution of the Socialist Soviet state in many ways. In the content, it was a rumble and contradictory.

There were amendments and additions to the "market" character, but along with this it was said about the Soviet state, Soviet constitutional stricture, socialist democracy. She stopped complying with the real economic, social and political conditions of the country's life.

The new Constitution of the Russian Federation laid the foundations of the public political Systemsbasing for private property, market relations, democratic procedures. In accordance with the Constitution, the Russian state is a democratic, federal, legal. Announced real democracy.

Private property is under the protection of the state along with the state, municipal. Recognizes ideological manifold, multiparty. All this marks a qualitatively new stage in the development of the Russian state.

Slide 20 What duties of a citizen are recorded in the Constitution of the Russian Federation?

A citizen is obliged to defend the Fatherland and carry military service (Art. 59); - guard nature and environment (Art. 58); - take care of the upbringing of children, the preservation of historical and cultural heritage (Art. 44); - Pay legally established taxes and fees (Art. 57).

Slide 21. Civil rights make up the most numerous group constitutional law. These include: - the right to life (Art. 20); - to preserve their dignity (Art. 21); - free and personal integrity (Art. 22); - on the inviolability of their dwelling (Art. 25); - on free movement in the country and free leaving for its limits, and return without any interference (Art. 27); The most important civil law is the right to freedom of conscience, freedom of religion.

Slide 22 The Convention on the Rights of the Child is a fairly large legal document. Here are the basic rights recorded in it: - the right to life, the name, acquisition of citizenship, the right to prosperity family life and the right to preserve and promoting health, the right to education and cultural development, the rights that protect the child in extreme situations (In court, conclusion, in war), the right to freely express your opinion, the right to freedom of thought, conscience.

It is important to remember that the rupture of communication between rights and responsibilities leads to a violation of the legal borders of freedom, and therefore, to the loss of the very meaning of law as a measure of freedom.

Slide 23 Regulation of family relations is given in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and above all with the new Civil Code RF, enshrining the values \u200b\u200bof private (civil) law.

The Family Code, which came into effect from March 1, 1996, does not allow anyone interference with the family of family, ensures guarantees of the implementation and protection of family rights of citizens in new socio-economic conditions.

Slide 24 B. Family Code: -7 sections; - 21 chapter; - 170 articles.
They formulated the main principles (principles) family legislationon which the family is being built and family relationships: Voluntary marriage; resolution of intramearial issues by mutual agreement; The priority of family education of children, care for their welfare and development, the priority protection of their rights and interests, as well as the rights and interests of disabled family members.

Today, we not only talked about the topic so relevant in our days, but also remembered the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Thanks for attention. To new meetings!

Day of the Constitution of Russia - December 12

Correspondence event for medium and senior school

Quiz - Day of the Russian Constitution

In the execution of the anthem of the Russian Federation, I ask you to get up.

Rules of the game

Stage 1 - Quick Layout. The teams give the definition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the team, which gave the most complete definition, begins the game, the team, which gives the least full definition will answer questions the last.

Stage 2. The teams are responsible for the leading questions if the answer is given at once - 2 points, if with the help of the text of the Constitution - 1 point, in this case, 1 minute is given to the search for an answer.

3 Stage - Teams ask each other cunning questions prepared by them in advance (rules of assessment - the same).

4 Stages - teams read their projects of the constitutions of fictional states. The sense of humor is estimated 0 - 2 points; The content of the Basic Law is whether it is possible to make the conclusion about the state of the state, 0 - 2 points.

5 Stage - the task according to the school charter (not assessed).

6. The jury calculates the number of points and defines the winner.

Representation of commands (not assessed)

Stage 1 - Quick Layout. The teams give the definition of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the team, which gave the most complete definition, begins the game, the team, which gives the least full definition will answer questions the last. (30 seconds for preparation). We write on paper.

Stage 2.

Depending on the correctness and completeness of the answer, it is estimated from 0 to 4 points.

Team №1: Explain why the Russian Federation is a democratic state?

Team number 2: Explain why the Russian Federation is a legal state?

Team number 1: Explain why the RF is the Republic?

For preparation of 1 minute.

The teams are responsible for the leaders if the answer is given immediately - 2 points, if with the help of the text of the Constitution - 1 point, in this case, 1 minute is given to the search for the answer, the answer is incorrect or missing - 0 points.

  • 1 (1) How many sections in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (two)
  • 2 (1) How many chapters in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? List 5 of them. (Nine).

Chapter 1. Basics of constitutional system

Chapter 2. Rights and Freedom of Man and Citizen

Chapter 3. Federated Device

Chapter 4. President of the Russian Federation

Chapter 5. Federal Assembly

Chapter 6. Government of the Russian Federation

Chapter 7. Judicial Power

Chapter 8. Local self-government

Chapter 9. Constitutional amendments and revision of the Constitution.

  • 3 (1) How many articles in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (137)
  • 1 (2) Who (preferably to use the term) and how many years is the President of the Russian Federation elected? (Citizens of the Russian Federation at the referendum (nationwide voting), for 6 years).
  • 2 (2) Who (preferably to use the term) and when was the current current Constitution of the Russian Federation been adopted? (Citizens of the Russian Federation in a referendum (popular voting), December 12, 1993).
  • 3 (2) Who and that by the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the highest value? (Man of his rights and freedom).
  • 1 (3) That besides the rights and freedoms of a person and citizen enshrined in the 2 chapter of the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (Responsibilities).
  • 2 (3) What independent state units are the subjects of the Russian Federation? (Republics, edges, regions, autonomous districts, autonomous region, 3 cities federal significance.)
  • 3 (3) What religion is state in the Russian Federation. Explain why? (Russia is a secular state, so all religions are equal and none of them can be state (Article 14).)
  • 1 (4) Who is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief Armed Forces of the Russian Federation? (President of the Russian Federation).
  • 2 (4) What is the name of the Parliament of the Russian Federation? What chambers consist of? (Federal Assembly: Federation Council, State Duma).
  • 3 (4) What is a referendum? (National vote)
  • 1 (5) Who is the carrier of sovereignty and the source of power in the Russian Federation? (Multinational people).
  • 2 (5) What is the name of the highest body executive power In the Russian Federation? Who is heading? (Government of the Russian Federation, Chairman - Medvedev D. A.).
  • 3 (5) What criteria for the Constitution determines for the candidacy of the President of the Russian Federation? (not younger than 35 years; - not less than 10 years living in the territory of the Russian Federation; there can be no position of more than 2 deadlines in a row; - is elected on a referendum based on direct, equal, universal and secret ballot
  • 1 (6) What social categories are deprived elective law By the Constitution? (Persons recognized by the court incapable on the basis of medical conclusion, Persons located in places of imprisonment by the court sentence).
  • 2 (6) What is the name of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, which is considering economic (property) disputes in the Russian Federation? (Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation).
  • 3 (6) as regulatory legal documents publishes the President of the Russian Federation? (Decrees and orders)
  • 1 (7) What groups of human rights and citizen are defined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (Civil (personal) rights. - Political rights. - social economic rights. Cultural rights.)
  • 2 (7) Give at least one argument in favor of what the Russian Federation is unitary state. (Russia is not unitary, but a federal state consisting of subjects (republics, edges, regions, autonomous districts, autonomous field and cities of federal significance)).
  • 3 (7) Who carries out state power in the Russian Federation? (President of the Russian Federation. - Federal Assembly (Federation Council, State Duma). Government of the Russian Federation. Courts of the Russian Federation.)
  • 1 (8) What freedoms of a person and citizen are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (freedom of thought and word rim; religion; freedom mass media; Freedom of literary, artistic and scientific creativity).
  • 2 (8) What are the responsibilities of a citizen are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (To comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the laws (Article 15) not to violate the rights and freedoms of other people (Article 17) to pay legally established taxes and fees (Article 57) to maintain nature and the environment (Article 58) take care of natural wealth (Article 58) to protect Fatherland (Article 59) Do not allow propaganda and agitation, exciting social, racial, national, or religious hatred and hostility (Article 29). To take care of their children and disabled parents (Article 38). Do not deal with prohibited activities (Article 17). Take care of the preservation of historical and cultural heritage (Article 44). Bear monuments of history and culture (Article 44).
  • 3 (8) Which court under the Constitution of the Russian Federation is the highest judicial authority According to civil, administrative, criminal cases? (Supreme Court of the Russian Federation).
  • 1 (9) What characteristics of the Russian state are enshrined in Article 1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation? (Russian Federation - Russia is a democratic, federative, constitutional state with the republican form of government).
  • 2 (9) Who solves the issues of citizenship of the Russian Federation and the provision of political asylum? (President of the Russian Federation).
  • 3 (9) How many deputies are included in the State Duma? How are they elected? (450 deputies are elected by party lists (proportional system) and single-member districts (majority system)
  • 1 (10) To whom the Government of the Russian Federation makes his powers? (before the newly elected president)
  • 2 (10) Who provides an independent decision to the population of issues local significance, possession, use and disposal municipal property? (Local government).
  • 3 (10) How is the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation formed, from how many judges does it consist? (Judges Constitutional Court The Russian Federation is appointed by the Federation Council on the Presidential Representation. 19 judges.)
  • 1 (11) On what basis in the Russian Federation is the state power? (Based on the separation of authorities to legally, executive and judicial art. 10).
  • 2 (11) Explain what the position of the Russian Federation means is social state? (Russia's policy should ensure a decent life and free human development, Art. 7).
  • 3 (11) What branch of power in the Russian Federation depends on the executive? (No. Legislative, executive and judicial authority Independent Art. 10).

3 Stage - Teams ask each other .

The 4th stage is reading their constitutions. The feeling of humor 0 - 2 points is estimated; The content of the Basic Law is whether it is possible to make the conclusion about the state of the state, 0 - 2 points.

5 Stage - Task by School Charter

Team number 1 - recall and write the rights and obligations of school students.
Team number 2 - come up with, add school rights.
Team number 3 - come up with, add the duties of school students.

The current constitution is made up of several sources. The main ones were the draft Constitutional Commission of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation (or the so-called "Rumyantsev project") and the project prepared by the Constitutional Meeting convened by the decision of Yeltsin.

As a result, the draft constitutional meeting has absorbed many provisions of the draft Constitutional Commission and was taken as a basis for the final refinement of the Constitution with the involvement of the subjects of the federation, deputies, specialists, working groups. It is this project that is the principal law and was submitted by the president to a popular vote.

The referendum on adopting a new constitution was held on December 12, 1993. It was attended by 58 million 187 thousand 755 Russians, or 54.8% of registered voters. The adoption of the Constitution voted 32 million 937 thousand 630 voters (58.4%).

The Constitution officially entered into force on December 25, 1993, on the day of its publication.

The new Constitution of the Russian Federation significantly changed the structure supreme Organs state power. It was enshrined in the principle of separation of the authorities, a serious step towards improving federated Device Russia. The provisions of the Constitution for the first time in the history of our country were granted direct action. This means that anyone can protect their rights, referring to constitutional norms, and judicial and other state bodies When considering cases and solutions, controversial issues should be guided, first of all, the norms of the Basic Law.

The Constitution did not prescribe, as it was before, a pre-installed single economic system based on state ownedEqually protecting all forms of ownership, ensuring freedom of development of civil society.

The main law proclaimed the President of the Russian Federation by the head of state and laid the responsibilities for the protection of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, the protection of the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, ensuring the agreed functioning and interaction of government bodies.

As the main document of the state, the norms of the Constitution do not need any other legal confirmation. All laws taken on the territory of our country should not contradict it, otherwise they are subject to cancellation.

Upon joining the position, the President of the Russian Federation brings the people on the specimen of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The oath text is enshrined in Article 82 of the Constitution.

The binding of a special copy of the constitution is made of the finest skin of the varana of red, on the cover - the coverage of the silver coat of arms of Russia and the inscription "Constitution of Russia" embedded with gold. The official description of this attribute has never been approved.

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 5, 1996 No. 1138 found that a specially made single copy of the official text of the Constitution of Russia is the official symbol of presidential power.

A day before his inauguration, appointed on May 7, 2000, the Acting President Vladimir Putin canceled the Decree of 1996 on the presidential regalia. Special copy of the text of the Constitution was deprived of the official status of the symbol of presidential power.

The entire entry ceremony of Vladimir Putin is not to the position of President of Russia (in 2000, 2004 and 2012), as well as the ceremony of entry into the position of President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev (in 2008) passed using the same special copy of the Constitution. This has become a tradition, but is not formally mandatory and not prescribed.

Since 2000, the Russian president of Russia has the right to pronounce an oath by placing his hand to any publication of the Basic Law.

A special copy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is kept in the library of the presidential administration in the Kremlin and is used only during the inauguration of the President of Russia.

From 1996 to 2008, a number of changes were made to the Constitution related to the consolidation of the subjects of the Federation, as well as the change in their names.

On December 30, 2009, more significant amendments were made to the main law. They were provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008 "On the change in the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation and State Duma"And the Russian Federation on amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2008" On the control powers of the State Duma in relation to the Government of the Russian Federation. "

Since 2009, according to the basic law, the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation and deputies of the Lower Chamber of the Russian Parliament increased: the head of state is elected for 6 years (earlier - for 4 years), and the State Duma deputies - for 5 years (earlier - for 4 years).
In addition, the Government is obliged to report to the State Duma about its work. Reports reports are published in " Russian newspaper"And the" parliamentary newspaper ".

In 2014, changes were made to the Constitution in connection with the Association Supreme Court and higher arbitration Court The Russian Federation, in connection with the adoption in the Russian Federation of the Republic of Crimea and the city of the federal significance of Sevastopol, as well as in connection with the introduction of the Institute of Federal Senators.

For twelve years, the Day of Constitution on December 12 was a day off. From January 1, 2005, according to the adopted State Duma, amendments to the Labor Code ( the federal law dated December 29, 2004), this day became workers. In July 2005, the Day of the Constitution of Russia was counted for memorable dates.

Holded in November 2014, most Russians (75%) know that on December 12 in Russia, the Constitution Day is celebrated, but 24% of our fellow citizens found it difficult to answer. As sociologists found out, 27% of Russians believe that the current Constitution of the Russian Federation fully meets the needs of the country, and in 2013, only 18% of respondents adhered to this opinion. The share of those who stand for changes have practically not changed - 15%. About 40% of Russians also believe that the authorities "basically" follow the Constitution, their share increased by 12% compared with 2013. About 44% of respondents believe that the Constitution plays the role of a guarantor of the rights and freedoms of a citizen of the Russian Federation, 21% - they adhere to the opinion that it supports the procedure in the state's activities.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

In Russia, an important public holiday is celebrated - the Constitution Day. This document approved by the 1993 Public Referendum is the foundation of the country's inviolability, determines the rights and obligations of the state and man.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation is a set of laws of judicial, economic and political systems. Every citizen of the country is obliged to unintently execute laws registered in the main document. It acts absolutely throughout the country, and any legal documents are subordinated to her.

The presence of a legal core regulating relationships in society speaks of the development and civilization of the country. The earliest mention of the arrangements of laws relate to Ancient Rome, Sparta and Athens. The oldest current Constitution dates back to 1600 and belongs to the State of San Marino.

The first constitution of Russia can be called a document 1905-1906, although there is an analogue in the archives state draft lawsigned by Alexander II, which never entered into force. After the February Revolution, the Constitution of the RSFSR was adopted, then the USSR, and, finally, December 12, 1993 - Russia.

Since 1994 by decree B.N. Yeltsin on December 12 was declared a public holiday and a non-working day. In 2004, edits were submitted to the Labor Code, and this day became a memorable date of Russia, but was no longer a weekend.

Despite the abolition of the day off, the holiday is paying well-deserved. There is a large number of activities devoted to the legal entreprenences of the state. In educational institutions spend special open lessons According to knowledge of law, quiz, contests, exhibitions of drawings on the topic of the holiday. Preparing reports on legal subjects.

The media are actively involved in an important day. From blue screens, the Russian President congratulates its citizens with the holiday. During the day, the programs prepared for a memorable date are broadcast on radio and television.

In the museums of the country, information expositions are opened, talking about the events of 1993 and the history of the Main Law at all. On the streets of the city activists distribute leaflets with excerpts from the Constitution.

In many cities, festive concerts are held, accompanied by the performance of politicians. December 12, solemn awards are held by prominent figures of laws and law. Taken scientific legal conferencesdevoted to the discussions of new laws and amendments to the old ones.

The constitution is the main stronghold of the state, uniting the people into a single whole. Every citizen must be responsible to the law. This is an indicator of the strength, unity and well-being of the country.

One of the holidays is approaching, which during the existence of the Soviet Union, and then the Russian Federation wandered so much on the calendar that many still do not know when it should be noted. Of course you guessed that this holiday is the day of the Constitution.

When the day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is celebrated

The Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation is celebrated 12 DecemberHe is not a day off in Russia.

history of the holiday

The main law, according to which our country lives today, was adopted by a popular vote. December 12, 1993 Under President Boris Yeltsin, Therefore, the current constitution is sometimes called Yeltsin.

The Constitution Day December 12 became not only a holiday, but also a day off since 1994. Then Boris Yeltsin accepted two declarations: "On the bottom of the Constitution of the Russian Federation" and "On the non-working day December 12".

Alas, since 2005, December 12 ceased to be a day off. This happened after the State Duma in December 2004 adopted the relevant amendments to the Labor Code of Russia.

The first Russian constitution

With the Constitution B. Russian Empire Causes have always been so-so. The repeated attempts of the advanced political forces to limit the power of the monarch by law, as a rule, remained only by intentions, which for various reasons did not succeed in being implemented (despite the fact that in the part of the Russian Empire the Kingdom of Polish was the constitution).

First russian ConstitutionIn fact, became the main state laws of the Russian Empire, adopted in 1905-1906 by the will of the emperor NicholasII.. This document was given by the monarch and was not approved by a popular vote, nor then the Duma.

Leninsky, Stalinist and Brezhnev Constitution

After October revolution The monarchy was abolished, and Russia became first bourgeois, and then the Soviet republic.

In 1918 she was adopted first Constitution of Soviet Russia.

Then she was accepted Constitution of the USSR 1924. This document was approved by the second congress of the USSR Councils and became the first major law of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics improved. The 1924 Constitution secured the USSR State Device on the basis of the Soviet power and dictatorship of the proletariat and reflected the multinational nature of the Soviet Union.

The replacement of the Constitution of 1924 came the famous "Stalin constitution"which existed with insignificant changes from 1336 to 1977. The Constitution of the USSR of 1936 (it was also called "the Constitution of the Were Socialism") was adopted by the VIII All-Union Emergency Congress of Soviets on December 5, 1936. Therefore, in the Soviet Union, the day of the Constitution was celebrated 5th of December And was a day off day.

In 1977, the change of "Stalin" came "Brezhnev Constitution"which officially called the "Constitution of Developed Socialism". She was adopted by the Supreme Council of the USSR on October 7, 1977, so the holiday day of the Constitution moved from December 5 to October 7th.

"The Brezhnev Constitution" existed from 1977 to 1991, losing its strength together with the disappearance of the Soviet Union.

Congratulations on the Day of Constitution on December 12

Freedom, equality and fraternity
For all and everyone in the country.
The opportunity to get together together
Learn to you and me.

Give birth to children and house build,
Create, work and breathe.
Throw freely, plenty of arguing ...
What, tell me, still dream?

Happy Constitution Day, Friends!
Let this holiday in every house
Carries order and freedom
And faith in the main law.

Constitution Day - What is the holiday?
Feast of laws, holiday freedom.
Constitution Day - an important holiday,
Day, when the whole Russian people is happy.

Higher value - you, man!
On the day of the Constitution, always and forever.
In the holiday we honor our main law,
The memorial date was for us he.

Constitution Day, Holiday Big,
All Russians will be celebrated with the soul.
Day we celebrate this is not in vain,
This day is December 12!

Date in 2019: in December 12, Thursday.

Constitution - all important document For any state. This is actually a set of rules and laws on which the whole the legislative framework, Stroy and government management. In Russia, the history of the sovereign constitution has a complex and interesting way. Today in honor of the statement of the main state document A holiday was established to celebrate in Russia in December, and the name of the Constitution Day.

The Constitution, current in Russia, is built on the principles of democracy, sovereignty and freedom. She is designed to defend the interests of every citizen of Russia. But Russia saw such a constitution only at the end of the XX century, which was preceded by whole line historically important events. For all the people of the revived country, the adoption of the Constitution has become a significant event. Therefore, as in most countries, a special holiday appears in Russia - the day of the Constitution.

History of the constitutions of Russia

For the first time B. Russian state The Constitution appeared in 1906 under Nicolae II. In fact, it was a set of laws that have received a constitutional form.

The nominee first constitution is the document adopted at the councils, which happened in 1918. Since then, the main document of the country has rewritten five times.

The first options were the Soviet sample. They were written and they were accepted in accordance with the requirements and principles of the state defendant of their time. Therefore, they focused on the preservation of socialist values, and they wore class character. These are the documents revolutionary 1918, the Allied 1925, Stalin's 1937, and a stagnant 1978. Constitution. All of them were fictitious, as the principles proclaimed in the documents were not implemented without having necessary mechanisms for this.

Therefore, citizens perceived an important document not as a set of laws and principles of the existence of the Russian Federation, but as another reason for the next weekend. The Constitution Day was considered festive and was officially noted.

The history of the modern constitution

And only in 1993 there is an unprecedented event. In Russia, the first national referendum is held, at which, by decision of all citizens of the country, a new constitution is adopted. Before that, of course, various referendums and elections were held. But their results were predetermined by the decision of the first public individuals.

And only becoming really sovereign stateRussia conducts the first nationwide democratic survey. According to its results, a fundamentally new chief state document is accepted.

On the establishment of a special holiday, the question rises literally for the next year. And in September 1994, Russian President Yeltsin signs the corresponding decree. Since then, the day of the Constitution of Russia is celebrated on December 12th. Until 2004, the holiday was not just a nationwide, but also a weekend. But after making changes to labor legislation, and the release of special holidays the day of the Constitution has become a working day.

Congratulations on the Day of Constitution

On the Day of the Constitution of Russia in 2019, we celebrate the most important holiday of our country. This is a common holiday for all Russians. Therefore, congratulations to all of our compatriots who wish the goods for all our compatriots. Perform this law strictly, and confidence in the future and the future of Russia will fall forever in our hearts. Happy holiday!

I want to congratulate you friend

Happy Constitution Day in Russia.

Let everything bloom now around

Giving us a faith, forces.

And let it want to suddenly

The enemy take us on the fright.

In the name of all native Russia

We will be proud of our own.

Larisa, December 6, 2016.

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